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About Utumishi
Public Service and Good Governance is a full-fledged ministry under the Office of the President and overseen by the Minister under the oversight of the Permanent Secretary and the Deputy Permanent Secretary who all jointly coordinate the day-to-day operations of the Ministry.
One of the responsibilities of the ministry is to oversee all aspects of the service by protecting the values of the public servant .
Tanzania is one of the countries that governs good governance , so the government saw the need for the presence of the Ministry which is under the supervision of the President of the United Republic of Tanzania. The president is just like an overseer, with the job remaining under the caretaker minister.
The Secretariat for Employment in the Public Service would like to inform the applicants staff of various positions who conducted interviews between December 06, 2021 and Drivers interviewed on November 08, 2021 as a result of Successful job applicants are as listed in this ad. The list of these names also includes some of the interviewees who were on Database for various careers who have been assigned to work centers after the opportunity is found.
Successful applicants are required to pick up a letter of appointment work in the Offices of the Secretariat for Employment in the Public Service at the University of Dodoma (UDOM) at Dr. Asha Rose Migiro, Open Registry within seven days from the date of this announcement and after which letters not received by the Characters will be sent through their Postal addresses.
In addition, successful job applicants who are interviewed and assigned to a job center are required report to the Employer within the time specified in the letter of appointment
In addition, successful job applicants who are interviewed and assigned to a job center are required to report to the Employer within the period specified in the job placement letters with the original Certificates of Education from Form Four onwards to be verified by the employer before being given a letter. of Employment.
For those whose names are not included in this advertisement should note that they did not get a chance / did not pass the interview, so do not hesitate to apply once again when vacancies are advertised.