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The Council
The Council functions for a period of 4 years and consists of the following committees:
- Executive Committee responsible for the day to day running of the Council
- School Examinations Committee responsible for school examinations
- Professional Examinations Committee responsible for professional examinations
The composition of the Council:
- The Chairman appointed by the President of the United Republic of Tanzania
- 14 members appointed by the Minister for Education and Culture.
The Secretariat
The Secretariat comprises:
The Executive Secretary who is the Chief Executive Officer of NECTA.
The Deputy Executive Secretary who is responsible for coordinating and monitoring of all the activities of the Examinations Departments of NECTA.
The Heads of Departments who are responsible for successful implementation of the set goals and objectives of NECTA pertaining to their respective departments.
Heads of Sections who are responsible for the successful implementation of the day to day running of their sections.