TAMISEMI Transfer of public servants 2023
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The Secretary General of the Office of the President TAMISEMI, Prof. Riziki Shemdoe, has agreed to the transfer of 2260 employees to exchange work centers at Local Government Authorities for applications from September to December, 2022.
In light of recent events, Prof. Shemdoe has released a statement regarding the transfer of employees. He emphasizes that all requests must comply with the procedures specified in Transfer Circular No. 2 of 2018. In addition, he advises employees who have received transfer permits to wait for the letter from their councils rather than coming to the Office of the President-TAMISEMI.
This transfer permit allows up to 2260 employees to change their workplaces within local government authorities. This will enable us to distribute our workforce more evenly and efficiently across all local government authorities. We aim to provide the best possible service to our community, and this is one way of achieving that goal.
The list of employees who received transfer permits is available on the Office’s website President-TAMISEMI www.tamisemi.go.tz
Public servant in Tanzania How do I transfer the work center to another one?
1. Transfer Authorities
- Secretary General Office of the Prime Minister TAMISEMI to employees who move from one Council to another outside the Region;
- Regional Administrative Secretary for the transfer of officials from one Council to another within the Region and;
- The director of the Council for the employees go from one center to another within the Council.
2. Types of Transfers
(a) Request Transfer
- The employee will have to request a transfer position by submitting his transfer request to the Director of the Council or Authority he wants to move to through his work supervisors in his current work center and his Director.
- Managers of the employee requesting transfer will have to ensure that the employee’s request reaches the relevant authority with their opinion on the request and not block the request. If there is a valid reason to block the application, the employer should inform the employee by referring him/her to the existing guidelines.
- If the applicant is not satisfied with the opinions/reasons of the employer/supervisor for rejecting his application, the applicant will submit his application to the Regional Administrative Secretary for advice and if he is not satisfied, the application will be submitted to the Secretary General, Office of the Prime Minister TAMISEMI with the necessary evidence to confirm that the application was rejected by the Director and explain his reasons for requesting the transfer.
- The Director/Supervisor who will be asked for the opportunity to move will have to respond to the employee through his Director in a letter telling him what the availability of the position was based on, including mentioning the Check Numbers of the employees who died or left the job.
- If a public servant requests a transfer for the reasons of following a husband or wife, preparing to retire after spending ten years outside the region he expects to retire and staying in the same center for more than five years, he may be considered to be covered for transfer costs even if he requests the transfer himself.
- An employee who requests a transfer should submit his request to the General Secretary or the Regional Administrative Secretary or the Director attaching a letter agreeing to move to the station he wants to move to. In addition, it is important to inform the applicant whether he will be transferred or not after getting the position
- It is not allowed for any employee to use someone other than himself or his employer to submit his transfer request by post or by hand. It is recommended to use the EMS or registry method for ease of tracking.
Availability of Answers:-
- All applicants who applied for transfer will receive their response by mail through their employers and not otherwise.
- In addition, since this transfer is open, employees who have been accepted or rejected will receive preliminary information through the website of the Office of the Prime Minister TAMISEMI ie www.pmoral.go.tz in early July for applications received from January to June and in early January for applications received from from July to December since our Office has planned to deal with transfer issues twice a year to avoid the overlap of responsibilities in the work centers during the year.
- An employee who has a complaint about his transfer request is advised to direct his request to the Authority that appointed him through his employer and work supervisor attaching his previous request and other important documents as reasons for requesting transfer and evidence of delivering his letter to the transfer Authority.
- Complaints of a servant who requested a transfer and did not receive a response or was not satisfied with the response received, his complaint will be processed within seven days regardless of the time of the transfer, i.e. June or December.
- After the interpreter gets the answers / letter of transfer, he should report within fourteen days since he has been handed his transfer letter, otherwise he will be considered absent from work.
(b) Standard Transfer
- This transfer is common where the Employer or Supervisor is making the transfer for performance improvement reasons.
- However, in order for the transfer to take place, the transfer authorities must satisfy themselves that there is an open position in the Council to which the employee is transferred, which does not cause a shortage in the area where the employee is coming from or moving to.