Whether you enjoy solving technical challenges or being creative and innovative, aerospace engineering opens up opportunities in a range of industries, from automotive to finance and IT
Job options
Jobs directly related to your degree include:
Aerospace engineer
CAD technician
Design engineer
Maintenance engineer
Manufacturing systems engineer
Materials engineer
Mechanical engineer
CAD technician
Design engineer
Maintenance engineer
Manufacturing systems engineer
Materials engineer
Mechanical engineer
Jobs where your degree would be useful include:
Automotive engineer
Control and instrumentation engineer
Energy engineer
Patent attorney
Production manager
Quality manager
Technical sales engineer
Remember that many employers accept applications from graduates with any degree subject, so don’t restrict your thinking to the jobs listed here.
Work experience
Employers value experience gained through industrial placements, summer placements or part-time work.
Industrial placements as part of your course will add valuable experience to your CV and may also lead to job openings as employers often see placements as an opportunity to identify future recruits. If industrial placements are not part of your course, look for summer placements with major engineering or manufacturing companies.
Work experience in any kind of role within manufacturing, maintenance or related settings, whether in the office, factory shop floor or laboratory, will help you understand the whole production process and develop skills such as designing, research or working in a team.
Joining relevant societies while at university also demonstrates your interest.