With an education in Natural and Cultural Heritage Management, you will gain profound insight into nature, culture, innovation, experience economy and more. You will learn about understanding of nature, cultural understanding, project management, communication, business development and destination branding.
Experiences have become increasingly important to the modern person with cultural and natural experiences playing a central role. Communication, in the sense of conveying experiences to different target groups as well as developing new areas and concepts in the experience economy, is paramount in this study programme.
After graduation you may find employment in e.g. national parks; the events industry; cultural centres; nature, leisure and outdoor organisations; museums, communications agencies and municipalities. You may also choose to start your own business or continue your studies.
Possible job titles
There are numerous possible job titles which of course depend on your individual profile.
Your individual profile is a mix of:
- Your subject knowledge, that is, the degree to which you master the knowledge acquired through studies.
- Your work experience, including your work placement.
- Your personal competencies.
- Other experience and competencies.
Your future job title within the natural and cultural heritage industry could be e.g.:
- Communicator
- Museum worker and communicator
- Project coordinator
- Communications employee
- Project worker
- Culture communicator
- Tourist guide
- Family guide
- Marketing manager
- Self-employed

With an education in Natural and Cultural Heritage Management, you will gain profound insight into nature, culture, innovation, experience economy and more. You will learn about understanding of nature, cultural understanding, project management, communication, business development and destination branding.
Experiences have become increasingly important to the modern person with cultural and natural experiences playing a central role. Communication, in the sense of conveying experiences to different target groups as well as developing new areas and concepts in the experience economy, is paramount in this study programme.
After graduation you may find employment in e.g. national parks; the events industry; cultural centres; nature, leisure and outdoor organisations; museums, communications agencies and municipalities. You may also choose to start your own business or continue your studies.
Possible job titles
There are numerous possible job titles which of course depend on your individual profile.
Your individual profile is a mix of:
- Your subject knowledge, that is, the degree to which you master the knowledge acquired through studies.
- Your work experience, including your work placement.
- Your personal competencies.
- Other experience and competencies.
Your future job title within the natural and cultural heritage industry could be e.g.:
- Communicator
- Museum worker and communicator
- Project coordinator
- Communications employee
- Project worker
- Culture communicator
- Tourist guide
- Family guide
- Marketing manager
- Self-employed