You might have lost your KCSE Certificate or KCPE Certificate and you intend to replace it. Here is the latest update from KNEC about the same.

KNEC replacement of lost certificate Statement
The Kenya National Examinations Council wishes to inform you that, we have been having some challenges in offering this service to our clients and we have temporary stopped issuing replacement certificates in order for the Council to address these pressing challenges.
We shall inform your clients and the world at large once these challenges have been addressed. Kindly bear with us as we try to improve our service delivery to all of you.
Please note that, in case the certificate is required somewhere before we resume replacing certificate you may apply for confirmation of certificate which costs ksh. 2320
Note: Use this KNEC Confirmation of Certificate procedure
How to Replace KCSE and KCPE Certificate
Below is the procedure;
Download Certificate replacement forms
Fill and attach the following documents;
- Copy of results slip
- Letter of recommendation from head teacher of school you did you exams or from PDE/DEO for private candidates and for candidates whose schools have closed down
- Affidavit
- Letter of recommendation from employer (in case of job seeking or employment)
- Police Abstract showing loss of certificate
- Nation ID copy
- KNEC bank deposit slip (You are required to pay ksh. 5,000 per certificate replacement)
KNEC Mobile Phone Contacts: +25420 341050 or +25420317413/9