HELB loan application mistakes and Rejection: Thousands of Kenyan students do apply for the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB) loan yearly but a number of them do have their application rejected and marked defective. Below are some of the mistakes that could prevent you from getting helb loan. Note that these errors that most students commit while filling their HELB loan forms were shared by HELB staff.

Missing Signatures and stamps
The required signatures and stamping indicated in the helb loan form are mandatory. If there is any missing signatures that you will not be successful in your application.
Missing documents
If any of the documents on the checklist haven’t been attached then the form will be termed defective.
Late Delivery
All applications should be done within the provided dates and forms be delivered before the close of application. Late delivery forms is not accepted
Scanned copies
Scanned copies
The forms to be submitted should be the original copies and not scanned copies.
Unsigned or Unstamped for 2nd and subsequent loan applications
All the subsequent loan application forms must be signed and stamped by the dean of students
Always refer to the LAF checklist to ensure you have met all the requirements