Event Summary
There is a Swahili saying which states that “Mali bila daftari hupotea bila sababu”. It has been a challenge to many business concerns to ascertain whether they make profit or loss. Record Keeping is vital to any business concern be it start up business organisation or a well established concern, be it individual, cooperative, association, VICOBA or any form of business organisation.
Keeping of proper records will help your organisation to decide where to spend your cash, maintain and abide to agreements done in business, help you to know how your business is doing and plan for the future. Without proper records it will be difficult to have a healthier business. it will be even more difficult to know the progress of the business and plan effectively. Thus, this course is intended to impinge skills in record keeping that will help participants to be able to keep proper records for healthier businesses.
Event Type
Date & Time
20th and 21st May, 2019
SAEBS Conference Room, SUA, Morogoro.
Targeted Audience
Private company Managers ,business start-ups, Business association Managers and record keepers (FMA, AMCOS, FBOs) NGOs staff dealing with farmers and processors, individual business practitioners and entrepreneurs, people and all employees dealing direct with record keeping.
Event Registration
Event Cost
Payments Required
The course will enable the participants to gain the key skills on proper business record keeping. Neat, accurate records will help the business find and solve problems. Practical Management of keeping records will entail a good relation with your customers and suppliers hence growth and sustainable business.
- What is record keeping?
- Is record keeping necessary?
- How can record keeping improve your business?
- Recording transactions
- Maintaining records of agreed contracts
- Cash transactions
- Credit sales
- The record book
- Give each voucher a number
- How to fill in the record book
- The use of records to asses if your business needs a loan
- The use of records to improve your business
Interested participants should pay fees before 16th May, 2019 and send a pay slip to email: [email protected] for registration.
Interested participants should pay fees before 16th May, 2019 and send a pay slip to email: [email protected] for registration.
FEES: Tshs. 150,000/= or 80 USD
PAYMENT DETAILS: To cover breakfast,lunch,tuition and materials only
Related resources
Contact Information
For More Details Contact:
Lubango Mayenga,
Coordinator – BBDS
Mobile: +255 785 670 078
Coordinator – BBDS
Mobile: +255 785 670 078